Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Read the Bible in One Year

I have found a great website to help me get through the Bible this year.  What is great about this website is it allows you choices on how you would like to approach your study.  It is also offers plans designed around the version of Bible you have.  I have chosen the New Living Translation in chronological order.  You can also start this plan any day of the year as it gives start dates all through out the year.  Give it a try!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Monthly To Do - January

Prepare for tax filing.  I know it seems early to do so but if you organize now you'll be thankful when it is time to take care of business.  Pull out all your receipts and mileage logs and whatever else you plan to use as tax deductibles.  Use a manila envelope to keep all your paperwork together as it comes in this month (w-2's, w-3's, 401K, interest accounts, etc.).  You can even write a little check list on the envelope of things you are expecting to come in and when you check that last box off make your appointment with your tax preparer.