Monday, April 2, 2012

Be Prepared

I am expecting a baby in the very near future and I've been preparing for when it is that blessed time for my husband and I to head off to the hospital.  As I've been preparing for this I've been thinking about how we should always be prepared to be called away from home unexpectedly.  A family member could become ill, an unexpected business trip could come up, or what about an unexpected surprise get away with your special someone.  Should any of these events come up how long would it take for you to get out the door and would you be able to do so feeling comfortable you remembered everything?
Below I have compiled a list of 7 things to do to prepare for a quick get away should the occasion arrive.  I reccomend completing the list, place it into a binder, and place the binder into a central easy to find location.

1. Keep a family calender with all family member's appointments, sporting events, and schedules up to date and handy.  If you have someone that has come into your home to help all they have to do is check the calendar to make sure your family is making it to where they need to be.

2. Keep 3 dinners in the freezer at all times whether homemade casseroles or store bought frozen meals.  Write out what's in the freezer and the directions for heating them up and place it in your binder.  Remember if you have a homemade casserole in the freezer you will need to rotate them out at least every six months.

3. Keep a list of important phone numbers posted in your binder (yours and your spouse's cell phone numbers, doctors, babysitters, family members, dentists, emergency numbers, schools).  Also it is a good idea to keep your children's insurance information, allergy information, and medication information listed.

4. Write out daily routines for your family (what time you get up in the morning, what you eat for breakfast, time school starts, babies feeding schedule, time baby naps, time school gets out, time dinner is normally prepared, time for baths and bedtime).  This will more than like be a list that will need to be frequently updated depending on the time of year and stages your baby and children are going through, I recommend sitting down at least every couple of months and checking this list to make sure it is accurate.

5. Write out a list of home maintenance needs. (indoor/outdoor plants when they need to be watered and how much, instructions for pet care, instructions for alarm system, how to turn off water or gas if needed).

6. Have at least 2 babysitters you can call in the event you need to leave right away, preferably babysitters that would be able to keep your kids overnight if needed.

7. Find someone in your neighborhood that would be able to watch your home and take care of the maintenance needs should you need to leave unexpectedly. 

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