Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Favorite Quick Tips for Around the House

Here are some tips for house keeping in general that I like to use around my own home.

-Deodorize your carpet with baking soda.  Sprinkle the baking soda very liberally all over and let sit for 2 or 3 hours.  Then vacum up.  I like this because it can't hurt the baby or the dogs because it is natural and baking soda is a natural deodorizer. 

-No storage for your tupperware?  Use a plastic laundry basket to stack those bowls and lids.  They are all in one place and you can store the basket at the bottom of your pantry or a closet near the kitchen.

-Use a white board that sticks on your fridge.  Keep a monthly calendar on it to keep track of chores, also use it to list your weekly menu, upcoming event, and keep track of meats in the freezer.  A blank whiteboard is really inexpensive and you can make the calendar by hand.

-Don't let those garden weeds get a chance to take over your garden.  Pick a day every week that is your weeding day.  I like to do Friday mornings...if it is done on a weekly basis it should really only take 15-20 minutes weekly.  Tip:  Use a meat fork to loosen up soil around a stubborn weed.

-Do one big glass cleaning trip a week.  Starting on one side of the house start cleaning mirrors, picture frames, windows, tv's, and other glass (including bathroom mirrors)...dirties only one rag or paper towel and this chore really takes only minutes to complete once you start.

-Laundry...keep your laundry on a cycle.  In the morning pull the clothes out of the dryer, fold and put away.  Place a load in the wash, switch over to the dryer at lunch...start over the next day.

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