Thursday, January 6, 2011

Family Night

Monday nights around my house are deemed our Family Night. Some of our family nights are spent playing board games and games off of our family Wii, but I also like to kick it up a notch see my list below for fun ideas for the whole family.

- Family video & picture night - get out the tapes and pictures and reflect together as a family.

- Take an outdoor nature hike

- Create a family totem pole. Use gradually increasing in size clay pots. Let everyone decorate they're own and then use acrylic to prevent the paint from coming off. Stack and glue the pots on top of each other. Place them in the garden.

- Make a family banner to hang up in your house.

- Have dinner at the park.

- Play croquet in the yard

- Play tag in the yard.

- Have a water balloon fight.

- Have a yearly family preparedness night. Make sure your family knows your fire escape plan and practice a fire drill. Make a survival kit or first aid kit. Teach the kids about CPR, choking, bleeding, and water safety.

- Have American Idol Night using the karaoke machine.

- Make a craft together.

Family night can be fun and most importantly it is that one special night that we make time to be together as a family. My kids look forward to it each week.

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