Friday, January 7, 2011

Resolutions = GOALS

I don't know if the rest of you do resolutions...I as a norm have one major thing on my mind I would like to change and New Years always seems to be a good time to make that happen. However, I'm definitely not always successful, just like the over 50% of us out there that try and don't always succeed. But that's okay with me because sometimes you have to try over and over again before you are successful in changes you would like to make. And of course you know we don't have to wait until the new year in order to ring in the new changes, it just always seems like a good time to give it a go.
This year I have thought of some obtainable goals for myself to achieve this year and have even scheduled them into my daily planner. My resolutions total 13, yes, that's right 13 whopping resolutions or goals as I like to call them to work on this year. I can't guess the future and know that by the end of the year I'll have every single goal down to a T, but they are important to me and there is next year and the year after to work on myself cause I am a continuous work.
So I shall share my goals with you in hopes that I will stay more accountable to myself and maybe to you as well as the year progresses. I have even posted them on my online calendar so that I may refer to them often and check my progress.

1. I would like to take our kids on vacation this year. I'm not sure where yet, but within the next two months I would like to begin to plan and set money aside.

2. Manage our household money well. This is actually carried over from the end of last year. My husband and I sat and figured out where we stood financially and have made a conscience decision to put ourselves on a budget, cut out costs where we can, and stick to our plan.

3. Eat better. Well if you read Wednesday's meal planning blog I announced that the meals will officially be healthier. Once again my husband and I have made the decision that we need to stop bringing junk food into our house and incorporate fresher and healthier meals into our diets.

4. Exercise. Okay this is a goal that we have also discussed but have not yet put into motion yet as we want to take it step by step. Meaning we want to get our healthy eating down before we start a daily exercise routine. We are afraid if we do it all at once we might crash and burn so again one step at a time.

5. Spend time with God daily. This is something I always aspire to do and it always seems to go by the wayside. I have written it into my daily schedule and have been good this past week. I am working through the read the Bible in a year program. I believe this is important and can really help with my spirit and attitude through out the day.

6. Follow my routines. Well this is self explanatory, I just want to make sure I am staying on task daily and make sure my routines are completed each day so everything doesn't pile up on me on Saturday and Sunday when I should be spending time with my family.

7. Scrapbook time for myself. Another thing I LOVE to do but never set the time aside to do for myself. My poor daughter is 6 years old and I've barely completed her baby book and the poor baby, yep I got nothing for her yet. This is something I'm scheduling twice a week as me time and I look forward to it.

8. Work on our yards. Yes, our yards have been neglected since we moved in 2 years ago and I want to work on them little by little to improve them and make them a place for us to enjoy. I want to get the girls involved in it as well as a family project for us to do.

9. Enjoy my kids more. What more do I need to say, sometimes I need an attitude adjustment and a reminder of how lucky I am and how fast this time goes by.

10. Schedule my time more efficiently. I have sat down and broke my down into half hour increments and made a daily schedule which is flexible but shows me where my time is going so I can use my time wisely and not let it get eaten up by the computer and tv.

11. Start taking the baby to play group. This is an opportunity for us to get out of the house together on a regular weekly basis and some time for just her and I.

12. Daily Devotional with girls. I have purchased a daily devotional book for the girls to read with them each morning before school, I think they need the inspiration as much as I do before their busy days at school start.

13. Attend church regularly. This is something I have been lacking lately and this year Sunday mornings church will be a priority. It is important to be an example to my kids, they'll do as they are shown.

These 13 goals are things I will be blogging on in the future to let you know how I'm doing and maybe bring you information I have found to share with you.
Cheers to 2011

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